How to take care of your brushes

by - 3/22/2018 08:33:00 pm

Hey guys!
Hygiene to me is extremely important and the thought of dirty brushes touching my face makes me gag. If you’re spending so much on that cream then why not invest a little time and money on keeping your makeup brushes clean?
Your face has really sensitive skin, and unclean brushes are breeding sites for bacteria and looking at it this is not that great of a combination.

Here are things I use/do to keep my brushes clean.

DIY brush cleaner
This step is to deep clean your brushes which you do at least once a week or 2 times a month depending on how often you apply your makeup. I just use a mixture of baby oil and baby shampoo/baby wash. I soak my brush in the mixture and run the bristles of the brush over the palm of my hand or this silicone brush cleanser that I bought from nykaa. I prefer using the silicone brush cleanser as using your hands to clean too many brushes would make your hands dry and irritated. Just rinse off after you’re done cleaning them.

MAC Brush Cleanser
This is one of the best product ever, especially for a person like me who likes things to be clean and perfect all the time. I use this to clean my brushes immediately after I use them. I just pour a little bit of this product on a clean napkin and rub my brush over it until it is clean. This also comes in handy when you want to use the same brush for two or more purposes and you have to clean up the debris of the previous product.

The MAC one is obviously quite expensive and instead you can buy:-

There are many more brush cleaning products which you can find in stores or online, although these are the ones that I use. Buy the ones that fit your necessities and you're good to go.
I hope this post was helpful.

Thank you!

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